Saturday, 7 February 2015

The Art Of Destruction - By Mike Seymore

Hi fellows, really happy to share this in-depth discussion over the "Destruction" pipeline should go in the VFX production. There are three kind of approach towards this pipeline.

Those are as follows :

1.  RBS Approaches

2. RBS using specialist physics libraries such as PhysBAM from Stanford University

3. Destruction using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) 

Mike has discussed in details about these system thoroughly in this article below. I hope all who are budding stars in VFX will be blessed by this article.

Art of Destruction (or Art of Blowing Crap Up)Destruction pipelines today are key aspects of any major visual effects pipeline. Many current pipelines are based on Rigid Body Simulations (RBS) or otherwise referred to as Rigid Body Dynamics (RBD), but a new solution - Finite Element Analysis (FEA) - is beginning to emerge.

via Fxguide

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